Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
How will ZymeFlow's process affect my waste water treatment plan (WWTP)?
When properly dosed, ZymeFlow will not hurt your WWTP. In fact, it was initially designed for waste water treatment applications. A unique aspect of ZymeFlow is that it expends itself during the decontamination process, therefore when it reaches the treatment plant it is well within influent levels.
What is the typical COD level after the ZymeFlow process?
When dosed properly, ZymeFlow COD levels fall within the range of 300ppm - 600ppm.
How much effluent will there be to capture?
During a proper Vapour-Phase Process, the only effluent is normal condensate so there is minimal effluent captures (if required at all). Additional effluent is generated when pre-flushing and post-rinsing but will be within safe limits for WWTP.

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